Atmore Outfitters
The majority of our clients are avid hunters who return to Atmore Outfitters every year. It’s how we’ve been able to thrive in business for over 25 years. Guided Colorado Mule Deer hunting trips are beneficial for all levels of expertise. If you are an experienced hunter, expert guides support and sharpen your skills.
For those who have never hunted, it can be a struggle to understand the skill, preparation, honor, traditions, and responsibility involved. There’s so much to learn that it can be overwhelming at first. Atmore Outfitters considers it a privilege to teach and escort new and amateur hunters.
Our guides were born and raised in these mountains and they know the land and the patterns of the deer.
We carefully limit hunts to improve the numbers and quality of the herd. As a result, it creates more mature bucks for our clients.
Using a guide for mule deer hunting increases your success rate, saves you preparation time, and gives you an opportunity to learn from the best.
A fully-guided elk or deer hunting trip greatly increases your chance for bringing home something to be proud of.
Guides create tailored hunts based on the size of your party, skill levels, and overall goals.
Our guided hunts often include prearranged lodging and meals. Including access to our own private hunting camps with clean, comfortable cabins.